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Our Top 10 Kids Outdoor Activities!


Running out of ideas to get your children outside? Here are our top 10 activity ideas! (Warning: contains fun!)

1. Nature Obstacle Course

See what challenges you can create using sticks, mud, water and whatever else you can find!

2. Wild Art

Let your inner creativity show itself by creating masterpieces using flowers and the prettiest our nature has to offer.

3. Make Friends with a Bug

There are many interesting creatures that inhabit our site, so why not make friends with them. Hold them, look at them and say hi to the exciting animals you can find!

4. Make a Home for the Wildlife

See if you can create a humble abode for the animals to rest. You could use sticks to make a birds nest or even a mini bug hotel!

5. Toy Car Wash

If you have some toy cars that you think might benefit from a natural bath, go find a near source of water and give them a good scrubbing!

6. Pine Cone Football

If your little ones are feeling restless, you should consider playing some natural footie! Go on an adventure to find a pinecone, set up some stick goals and unleash your inner Ronaldo!

7. Make a Nature Bracelet

There are many small treasures that the woods have to offer that you can use to create a unique piece of jewellry. Put some sticky tape upside down around your wrist and get stickin'!

8. Nature Bingo

The great thing about bingo is that you can be as creative as you want! Create your own rules, own categories, and let out the competitive side of your family with a game of Nature Bingo!

9. Litter picking treasure hunt

‘One man’s litter is another kids’ treasure’ or at least that’s what we were told! See what you can find that may have been tossed, but you may love to keep!

10. Build a Den

Den building is a fantastic activity for all ages. You can do it at any time of year, using fallen branches. Dens make perfect birdwatching hides, as well as shelters and basecamps for days of fun.

This is of course just our top ten list of things to do in the natural environment that you'll find yourselves in, however the more creative the better! Come up with some games of your own that your kids could have fun and get involved in the wild!


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